Dear 939 Friends,
Many of you have already heard the news, but I wanted to share it with the whole 939 group. Dr. Weber called from Emory this week to tell me my growths on the thyroid are benign. God is good!
This whole week has been SO GOOD…
· My scar on my neck continues to heal at a miraculous pace.
· Associate Editor Pat Murphey put his masterful touch on Chapters 20-25.
· The totally killer QR Code content for the book is complete! Some teasers:
1. Award Winning music composer Jud Crane has finished the instrumental track for the theme music of Room 939 2. Award Winning film producer James Kicklighter and Artist Greg Carter have completed the charcoal drawing video for QR code. · Ric and I met with Philip Myhand, store manager of Statesboro Wal-Mart and Tina Alexander of Anderson Distribution Merchandisers and it looks promising to get books into our Walmart store(s). A major shout out to Philip and Tina for believing in this book! · Photographer Frank Fortune, whose creativity goes beyond anyone’s imagination, completed our photo shoot for the Magazine feature on local authors. Thanks to Jone Bremer for finding the dress and Lynda Williamson for the vintage jewelry. See me in all my fabulosity below! · On behalf of The Day for Southern, I spoke to the Kiwanis Group on Thursday…lots of laughter and good feedback on the message
· Web Creator Rebecca Williams finished the design and placed it into the capable hands of Lewis Color Owner Tommy Lewis and his team to make it function. · Atlanta Attorney Beth Brannen Chandler has offered to host a lunch in Atlanta and several pastors to her home to introduce my book.
In all this excitement and frantic pace though, I sort of lost my focus on God during the last few days. Many of you know I love my “Jesus Calling” devotional book. I typically read it every morning for a few minutes and really enjoy reflecting on the message. However, this week I couldn’t find my “Jesus Calling” book. The little book was somewhere buried under the clutter that had accumulated in my office. I hate to admit I had allowed Jesus to be buried again. I would look for it to no avail and then get so busy I wouldn’t look for it again until the next morning. Jesus kept calling, but the line was busy…….”Jenny Lynn…..I’m over here in the den…..if you’ll just stop long enough to listen to me……Jenny Lynn, slow your pace. Be still……..and you’ll find Me.”
When I finally found the “Jesus Calling” book, and read the message God had for me on Sept. 3 it was perfect. See an excerpt below:
Let the dew of My presence refresh your mind and heart. So many, many things vie for your attention in this complex world of instant communication. The world has changed enormously since I first gave the command to be still and know that I am God.
Blessings to you all being on this journey with me. Continue to pray for me that I don’t lose Jesus in the journey.
Jenny Lynn