Sunday, July 8, 2012

Can Sandusky Conviction bring Freedom to Victims?

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The jury has spoken.  The verdict is in.  Jerry Sandusky has been charged with 45 child sexual abuse charges and will be sentenced in a few weeks.  While following the trial, I thought often of Victims 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, and the courage it took to get on the witness stand.
We often think of sexual assault in terms of females being targeted, but the fact is 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted by age 18, according to David Finkelhor in "Sexual Abuse in a National Survey of Adult Men and Women: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Risk Factors." 1990.
It’s up to us as parents to be aware of the facts:
  • More than 90% of all sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator. Almost 50% of the offenders are household members and 38% are already acquaintances of the victims.
  • The average serial child molester has between 360-380 victims in his lifetime.
  • Only 12% of all cases of child abuse are reported.
  • The most common ages of children when sexual abuse occurs are between 8 and 12.

The information below reveals the secret strategies of child molesters.