Saturday, October 29, 2011

Helping Hands

Dear 939 Club:

God is Good and I am feeling much better because my hands are resting where they are most naturally comfortable….on the keyboard.

First, I thank each and every one of you for all of your prayers.  I felt them…I really did. 

God sent some really cool people into my path in the past few months to minister to me.  First, there was this chaplain.  At pre-op the week before, they asked if I would like one.  I said yes and was expecting a white man in black cloth with perhaps an Episcopal or Catholic look about him.  What came was a black woman named Gail.  She was so sweet and she was wearing a pants suit.  She held my left hand real tight, Mark’s right hand and we prayed a good prayer that sounded sort of Baptist…that made me feel real good. 

Next up was a man named Vincent.  I had met Vincent traveling with Ric to Atlanta the week before when we met with Pastor Joe McDaniel, wife Cynthia, Durwood Doubletalk Fincher and Margot Extraordinaire Dawkins.  Vincent is the doorman at the Intercontinenal Hotel in Buckhead.  Because Ric is overly friendly and conversationally interviews every person he meets, Vincent became our friend and was very interested in the book.  When Mark pulled up to the Intercontinental on Wednesday after being discharged from Emory after surgery, Vincent took one look and exclaimed, “Oh Lord, Mrs. Anderson, I didn’t recognize you!”

No doubt I looked bad to the bone. Death warmed over so to speak.  No makeup, hair sticking up hither and thither…it wasn’t pretty.  And then I tried to step out the car and couldn’t quite find the ground. 

He and Mark helped me inside the hotel and then Vincent brought me a Coca Cola.  He was so caring.  He sent me a text yesterday with his photo with the simple words, “God Bless You Mrs. Anderson.” See the photo below. Doesn’t he look like a disciple sent from God?

Cannot type much more, but wanted all to know I appreciate your love and support.  I love you all.

Jenny Lynn

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